Our Games

Our top games

As an e-sports club we have a vast variety of games the most popular games are League, CSGO, Clash Royal and Overwatch. The reason for these games are they are very popular and they creat good communities of people that get close together striving to become th etop of thier game and reach the ladders; Futher adding to our goal of bringing all gamers closer together in close friendships. Click here

Want other groups?

As more and more games come out, we will create more and more groups futher adding to our list of games and on top of that, you can even create your own group for a certain game, just give the name and idea to the club officers and it will be take into concideration, as well if it passes you have just created a group.

The positives of video games

Video games are a ubiquitous part of almost all children’s and adolescents’ lives, with 97% playing for at least one hour per day in the United States. The vast majority of research by psychologists on the effects of “gaming” has been on its negative impact: the potential harm related to violence, addiction, and depression. We recognize the value of that research; however, we argue that a more balanced perspective is needed, one that considers not only the possible negative effects but also the benefits of playing these games. Considering these potential benefits is important, in part, because the nature of these games has changed dramatically in the last decade, becoming increasingly complex, diverse, realistic, and social in nature. A small but significant body of research has begun to emerge, mostly in the last five years, documenting these benefits. In this article, we summarize the research on the positive effects of playing video games, focusing on four main domains: cognitive, motivational, emotional, and social. By integrating insights from developmental, positive, and social psychology, as well as media psychology, we propose some candidate mechanisms by which playing video games may foster real-world psychosocial benefits. Our aim is to provide strong enough evidence and a theoretical rationale to inspire new programs of research on the largely unexplored mental health benefits of gaming. Finally, we end with a call to intervention researchers and practitioners to test the positive uses of video games, and we suggest several promising directions for doing so.